we are endemic,
the bioprocesseers.

Endemic Fito Farma Biyoteknoloji San.Tic. A.Ş has been founded in 2018 for the purposes of establishing an Extraction & Isolation Process Development R&D facility, endemicZERO, along with conducting Industrial Scale R&D studies on the green, efficient, and residue-free extraction and isolation of phytochemicals derived from biological plant material in an Organized Industrial Zone in İstanbul, Turkey

Since the establishment and kickstart of operations of her İstanbul R&D facility, Endemic has developed the required know-how for the design, manufacturing, operations and trade of final products that are derived from biological plant matrix.
Endemic holds the know-how to either process the biological plant material down to their constituent molecules in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient form or as genuniely formulated compositions for food and cosmetic retail products.